Tours & Rates
Check out our newest tours below, We promise you won’t be disappointed ! So get ready to pack your walking shoes, cameras and let the adventure begin and make those memoies of a lifetime !
Capture the spirit of Kauai through your camera lenses.
Small group – Unique gardens – History of gardens – One garden over 400 years old – Don’t miss out.
Kauai is known as the “Garden Island”.
History & Culture
Get lost in the Culture and History of this magnificent Island.

Tour Requirements
must have current license and ID tags
Must be at least 3 years old
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Looking For A Professional?
With over 15 plus years of being in the travel industry, why look any further. We can ensure you will hav a trip of a lifetime wether you choose one or all of tours. It will be vacation you shall remember for years to come.
Get in Touch By Phone Or email
Can’t wait to hear from you, so call us today.
Maria Coesens
Ph: (623) 972 3760 Cell: (623) 341-9851 Email:
Maurice Kelsall Ph: (623) 972-3760 Cell: (623) 552-1644 Email:
Lenore Small Cell: (253) 224-8768 Email: